Sunday, May 6, 2007

Glory Revealed!!

I love, I mean LOVE, this new CD, Glory Revealed as recommended by BooMama. I just got it in the mail Friday because of the backorder issue that I am sure is because she told us all to go over and buy it since it was at such a good price and all. Kuddo's to her for advertising so successfully!

Back to the CD. It is awesome. I feel like I could just step back out of the stressfull environment that I seem to be spending so much time in lately and just sink into the depth of worship that is being sung through scripture.

Worship is like food for my soul. I need it more than anything else. Except the Word of God. But it has that special place for me that no one else can really touch. It brings me to that intimate place with the Lord. Thank you Jesus.

Thank you Boomama for suggesting it.

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