Sunday, October 12, 2008

Stuff in the way

So, I guess I don't have a clue how to design or setup a website. So excuse me while I try and figure out how to get things all set up properly.

A post, what the heck is a post.? It's been so long. But I know that it's something I need to do and I plan on doing it. So here goes..

I've been a part of the Facebook thing for the last year and WOW, how it has taken off. Friends from 15yrs ago are popping out of the woodwork, or computer as it is. It is so much fun! We have been reminising about the good ol' days of college through pictures and conversation. I can't believe and almost want to refuse to admit the clothes we wore in the 90's. Pink and Black Flower stretch pants! Yikees. Pumps, and Nick wearing turtle necks with cardigan sweaters. Anyway, bad memories and yet those were the good old days. Before real obligations, work, children, bills!
I am such a dreamer that it's been fun but............ I have found myself spending way to much time living in the past and needing to come back to the present. Does that make sense? God wants me in the present to starting building my future. I have a bright future and I need to stay here studying and seeking God's plan for my life.. I am excited for what the future holds and so through this blog I hope to post about the experiences God is going to bring me too and through! I know this walk is not always a cake walk, but with Christ by my side it will always be rewarding. So stay tuned........

Thursday, October 9, 2008



Isn't that what you do to see if it's all working? I am feeling like I need to start again and give it a TEST Run!
See ya soon.